I had the most delightful Saturday last weekend friends. My beautiful, precious five year old granddaughter was dancing in her second recital. What proud grandparents her Nano and Gigi were. She danced her little heart out to "Twist and Shout". Just happens to be one of our favorite songs too (we're huge Beatles fans).
After the recital was over and the children were all dismissed Bella came running to us and jumped in my arms. She was so happy and excited about performing. She looked like a princess in her tutu and tights. Not a shy child by any stretch of the imagination. I was so inspired I wanted to capture the moment by creating a painting with Bella's favorite colors, of course.
I had even more fun this week finding new products to add to my shop. I am pleased to preview one of the newest items, fashion scarves. As most women know, you can't have too many shoes or scarves. There's also tee shirts, children's tees and infant onesies, and a host of other goodies. You can find them all by clicking the link under the scarf photo.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention I had my first public showing of a small sampling of my art work last Friday. Clayton Gray Home here in Tampa, FL hosted their monthly First Friday event and invited ME to bring in a few paintings to introduce to their customers. What a fun evening we had, and I even sold a couple paintings.
Wendy Garraty, owner of Clayton Gray Home, is shown below with me. I'm the brunette on the left in case you didn't see my photo on the "About Mary" page.
Thank you all for stopping by to visit me. I hope you'll take some time to view the other paintings I have available. Several new ones have been added since the last post. Your support means the world to me. If you like my art, please consider sharing it with your friends. A referral to a friend means you REALLY like my work . Until next week, take care and be well friends. Blessings ~~ Mary